Film screening
From the Kunsthalle to the cinema - the Kunstverein invites you to a film evening
20. November 2024 / 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
From the Kunsthalle to the cinema - the Kunstverein invites you to a film evening:
Die toten Vögel sind oben
in co-operation with Die Pumpe e.V.
In September, the Schleswig-Holsteinischer Kunstverein launched a new series in cooperation with the Kommunales Kino under the motto "From the Kunsthalle to the cinema - SHKV invites you to a film evening". Documentaries and feature films by and about artists as well as art films are shown every two months. There is a short introduction before each film and after the screening we look forward to a joint discussion with drinks. The second film in the series:
Kommunales Kino der Pumpe, Haßstr. 22, 24103 Kiel
For members and non-members of the SHKV, free of charge for members.
Tickets can only be purchased at the Pumpe cinema.