

playing future
Holiday workshop with the Gebrüder Teichmann brothers and Markus Gustav Brinkmann

24.8. to 28.8.2015

Inspired by the exhibition playing future, young people of different origins explored their own questions about the future through music and movement. With the support of the electronic live musicians Gebrüder Teichmann, they produced soundtracks and sound collages. Together with the freelance artist and performer Markus Gustav Brinkmann, they developed interventions for artworks in the exhibition and presented their results to a large audience at Kiel Museum Night. 

The project was realised by the local alliance partners Schleswig-Holsteinischer Kunstverein e.V., Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Vormundschaftsverein lifeline e.V. and the Lilli-Martius-Schule.

With the kind support of the Federal Association of Museums Education e.V. as part of the programme ‘Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung’ (Culture makes you strong. Alliances for Education) by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

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