The Wild, the Weird and the Wonderful
Focusing on nature in the Kunsthalle Collection
19 February 2022 to 24 September 2023
The artist and writer Anita Albus, who turned 80 in 2022, was at the conceptual and spatial heart of our new collection presentation. A large portion of her work belongs to the Kunsthalle zu Kiel’s collection and, in The Wild, the Weird and the Wonderful, they have been presented throughout the year in her precisely painted works, and depictions of rare and extinct species of flora and fauna.
The exhibition illustrated the manifold ways in which artists explore nature and human relationships to it through portrayals of plant life and landscapes, and in works made with transient, organic materials. Observations of materiality and reality are also the subject of still lifes, which the exhibition presented in various paintings and photographs. Other themes in this collection presentation – also with Anita Albus as the starting point – included the role of female artists.