Creative - here and now!
A special offer for people with cancer
26. January 2025 / 02:00 PM - 04:45 PM
Leader: Dr Nina Jaenisch, art historian and therapist
This special art programme invites people with cancer to draw strength from their own artistic activities. Mindfulness and creativity increase your own well-being, have been proven to reduce stress and help you deal with strong feelings. Each meeting is guided by an exercise that directs attention to the here and now and provides creative impetus. From there, we experiment individually with watercolour, pastels and oil pastels. No previous experience is required.
Free of charge. Multiple participation is possible.
vhs-Kunstschule im Neuen Rathaus
Andreas-Gayk-Str. 31
24103 Kiel
Andrea Fuest
+49 431 88057-59
Supported by:
Doing good! Friends and Supporters Association of the UKSH
UCCSHI University Cancer Centre Schleswig-Holstein