Gustav Wimmer
Pictures without names
An exhibition of the Schleswig-Holstein Art Association
23 September 2017 to 28 January 2018
Rarely exhibited and widely unknown is the artist Gustav Wimmer (1877-1964). Yet his landscape depictions and portraits are characterised by a high recognition value: His shadowy painting style and the predominantly very light or very dark tonality of the pictures not infrequently create the impression of complete motionlessness and ghostly stillness. Wimmer, of whom it is said that he did not believe in secrets, painted enigmatic pictures. The artist did not give his works fixed titles: he created pictures without names.
Gustav Wimmer came from Stettin and studied at the Berlin Art Academy. After the Second World War he lived first in East Frisia, later, until his death, in Kiel.
The Schleswig-Holstein Kunstverein has received 17 works as gifts in recent years. The exhibition shows these works together with loans from the Pommersche Landesmuseum in Greifswald and from private collections.