

Kartonfritzen & Pappenheimer

March to July 2016
March to July 2017

Children attending the daycare centers Kaleidoskop, Kleine Hände e.V., Colorito and Pettersons Kinderladen visited the Kunsthalle and researched the topic ‘Body and Space’. Their equipment was white cardboard boxes: What can you do with a box in a room? What can you do with many boxes? How can you supplement the boxes with your own body? The children experimented, drew and stacked the boxes. In addition to a book with their own sketches, a space laboratory was created inviting the Kunsthalle guests to experience it for themselves. 

With the kind support of the Federal Association of Museums Education e.V. as part of the programme ‘Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung’ (Culture makes you strong. Alliances for Education) by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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